about me

I’m a ukulele-playing nonfiction-writer who grew up along Highway 61 near the Mississippi River. I write about stuff which adds up to a life: travels, food, whiskey, finding your place in the world, and big fat problems. Also ukuleles, because the world is better when you play one. Curiosity, swearing and an ability to keep a beat are my primary skills.

In my 20s I ran away to sea, living aboard boats and ships for longer than might seem prudent and have traveled in North and South America, Turkey, Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia and the Caribbean, stopping often for snacks.

I’ve cobbled a life impersonating a baffling array of craftswomen: yacht chef, cruise director and deckhand; log cabin builder; child advocate, dive master, and a genuinely bad waitress.

If you care to join me on social media you can connect on the usual sites via the usual social buttons. Thanks for dropping by.